Thursday 31 January 2013

1st Days. Trials, tribulations and first contact.

So, there we were happy as larry in Leeds.  Having a whale of a time as we had done for the past 6-8 years of us being there.  When Michael comes along and throws a spanner in the works by bagging a job in North Wales!  After the shock and a lot of thinking we both decided to move there together, a long distance relationship would be horrible and it definitely wouldn't work for us.

So last Friday night we held a leaving do bash at the one and only Brudenell Social Club, it was a lovely gathering of close friends and along with a bit of comedy, some speeches and some poems the end of the night was spectacularly brought together with a massive snowball fight in the masses of snow that had fallen throughout the evening.

Needless to say, we were both slightly worried about the prospect of moving to the other side of the country with all our stuff in masses of snow, ah let's get some sleep and worry about that tomorrow shall we?  Shall we?  No, instead we'll have a terrible night's sleep thanks to the standard friday night party our neighbours decided to have...again.  Well there's one thing to happily leave behind in Leeds after all.

Come morning, Michael gallantly cycled to the van hire company through the ankle deep snow and retrieved our metal chariot without trouble.  Thanks to the help of Dave Jones, we packed, cleaned and managed to leave Leeds by 2pm, arriving in dark Ruabon by 4pm.  After setting my eyes on our new home for the first time (Michael had visited in weeks previous to choose a home for us so I wouldn't have to take any time off work) I was plesently suprised and we literally threw our belongings into the house just in time to take the van back to Chester, catch the next train back to Ruabon to crash with some beans on toast!

Since then, the past week has been filled with organising the house and having a bit of a relax in my week off, mainly reading and watching films.  Michael has started work and is loving it, I've been to Wrexham a couple of times to scope out the local area.  This weekend we'll go to Chester and have more of an explore!  The Welsh accent is lovely, I'm enjoying hearing it daily.  I miss my friends in Leeds a lot, but hopefully we'll keep in touch online and also through the post.  I can't wait to get a real sofa instead of sitting on camping chairs, I'm also looking forward to Friday 1st Feb as that means after a month of not drinking, we get to go and have an ale or two at our local pub, aka 'the best pub in the UK 2012'!


  1. It'll be amazing when spring gets here so you guys can explore the country side around you too. Looking forward to seeing some pictures!


    1. Yes, we're already planning on foraging in the woods! I've just put up a post with photos, I'll try and keep on with the photos...promise!

